How Music Lessons Affect Your Brain
Whether you are looking to broaden your musical knowledge or develop a skill you never have before, the benefits of learning how to play an instrument are more than you can imagine. Through music lessons people find ways to reduce stress, focus their energy on something productive and live a happier life with the opportunity of constantly improving themselves.
If you still don’t believe that learning a new instrument can benefit your life, here are 5 proven facts about about the how learning music can affect your brain.
Keeping your Brain Young
Learning how to play an instrument stimulates the brain in a way that no other task does. Even though we don’t realize it, when we listen to music we exercise our brain as it tries to identify patterns and beats. As an otolaryngologist at John Hopkins explains, “If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.”
Encouraging Brain Growth
In 2003, the study “Brain Structures Differ between Musicians and Non-Musicians” revealed a difference between the brain size of someone who has studied music versus someone who never has. According to the findings of neurologist Gottfried Schlaug, the brain of an adult musician had a higher volume of gray matter than that of a non-musician.
Reducing Memory Loss
As if all the previously mentioned benefits weren’t enough, playing an instrument is an excellent way to fight memory loss. As recent studies demonstrate, adults who learn how to play a new instrument face a slower brain aging process, which also prevents the decline of their hearing abilities.
Improving Your Senses
If you thought that the developing of cognitive abilities is efficient in children, you might want to reconsider. According to a study by Boston Children’s Hospital, musical training in both adults and children has a direct correlation with executive function. Executive function allows people to retain information, make good choices and solve problems, among other skills.
Avoiding Mental Illness
After conducting a study on the correlation between learning music and mental illness, researchers from the University of St. Andrews arrived at the conclusion that “Playing musical instruments leads to good mental health and helps fight depression and dementia.” In addition, they explain that a person who continuously plays an instrument is less likely to make errors.
These are just some of the many benefits of playing music, and there’s more scientific research coming out all the time! Plus anyone who plays an instrument can tell you about how amazingly satisfying it can be to get lost in the music. There’s some benefits that words can’t even describe, but you’ll know it when you experience it!
For those of you who already have music in their life, take your playing to the next level by signing up for ArtistWorks, it’s the best path toward progression you can find!
Check out the links below to see all the different instruments and teachers we offer at ArtistWorks!